Friday, February 28, 2020

The Importance of Consent in Relation to Adult Nursing Essay

The Importance of Consent in Relation to Adult Nursing - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that while adhering to bioethics of consent, nurses are required to observe the codes of conduct stipulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council. Nurses are mandated to regard the care of people as their primary concern. In doing so, they must consider patients as being individuals, thus respecting their dignity. Nurses are also expected to involve all relevant parties in their efforts to protect and maintain health while caring for their patients. These include positive interactions with family, doctors and the immediate community. They should also exercise high standards of professionalism concerning nursing. In addition, professional nurses are required to practise openness, honesty and integrity to uphold positive reputation of the nursing profession.This study highlights that  informed consent refers to voluntary permission given by a patient or patient’s official proxy for participation in medical treatment after being informed of the p rocedures, methods and consequences pertaining to the proposed surgical operation. Issues relating to informed consent are thus prevalent in the adult nursing practice where nurses frequently interact with adult patients. Adult nurses are hence required to adhere to the standard procedures of informed consent while administering their services. However, cultural diversity has been identified as the core barrier in the administration of consent.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Negotiations - Hypothetical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Negotiations - Hypothetical Analysis - Essay Example Jonathan Brown, and he therefore, is not interested in joining issues with him publicly. He desires that the deliberations be kept absolutely confidential. The hiring policy as envisaged and implemented by Mr. Brown is ideal as per his philosophy but he is out of step with the demands of the time. Mr. Brown’s convictions are right according to him, he has given a sterling medical institution to the public, he is taking care of his staff well, he has no trade union problems, the salaries and perquisites which his staff is paid is significantly higher than what is prevalent in the industry, he treats the staff very well and they adore him as a noble person, and the single point agenda of the Mayor of Boston is proportional representation of the female doctors in the hiring committee. 2. What kind of negotiator is on the other side? The negotiator on the other side is a politician, the Mayor of the city of Boston. Building one’s own power castle is the primary agenda of a politician, there could be rarest of the rare exceptions. By showing his concern for empowering women, he is playing to the gallery. The women employees of the hospital are happy with the administration of Mr. Brown and they are treated very well and get one of the best pay packets in the industry. The negotiator must be having some political compulsions and his desire to discuss the issue with Mr. Brown in confidence indicates that his intentions are not totally insincere. He feels that it is a policy issue and as the Mayor of the city, it is his duty to set right the things. 3. What are your interests? My interests are simple and straightforward. I have been pursuing this policy successfully for the past 35 years. I have no grudge against the womenfolk, absolutely nothing! What I pursue is the principles of the science of ergonomics—finding proper individuals for the proper assignments. I am convinced that women make good nurses, temperamentally they are suitable for that p ost, and I also believe that they make good doctors as well. But there are realistic problems in summoning them to the hospitals in case of emergencies, as women have the primary responsibilities at home. In the overall scheme of administration as envisaged by me, I do not intend to offer them the position of doctors. 4. What are your counterpart’s interests? His concern for the welfare and rights of women seems to be superficial in the present case. He is just counting his votes, and by raising a women-related issue, he is appealing to their emotions with the ultimate aim of converting the sympathy wave into votes. He is visualizing a formidable vote-bank in women and he is planning to turn the tide in his favor. But he is also aware of raking the issues against a reputed hospital, where the presence of the women in the hiring committee is about 16%. (male11, female 2) 5. Who will prepare the agenda and what will the agenda cover? Both the parties to the discussion are seize d about the issue. It seems to be just a one point agenda. A formal agenda has not been circulated either from the side of Mr. Brown or from the side of the Mayor. The discussions will be of a confidential nature, as desired by the Mayor. This shows that the Mayor has some reservations in the back of his mind, and therefore he is insisting for a one to one